Hectares to Square Meters Conversion

This calculator provides conversion of hectares to square meters and backwards (sq m to ha).

Conversion Table

hectare to square meters Conversion Table: ha to sq m 1.0 = 10000
2.0 = 20000
3.0 = 30000
4.0 = 40000
5.0 = 50000
6.0 = 60000
7.0 = 70000
8.0 = 80000
9.0 = 90000 hectare to square meters10 = 100000
20 = 200000
30 = 300000
40 = 400000
50 = 500000
100 = 1000000
500 = 5000000
1000 = 10000000
5000 = 50000000
square meters to hectares Conversion Table: sq m to ha

1.0 = 0.0001
2.0 = 0.0002
3.0 = 0.0003
4.0 = 0.0004
5.0 = 0.0005
6.0 = 0.0006
7.0 = 0.0007
8.0 = 0.0008
9.0 = 0.0009

square meters to hectares

10 = 0.001
20 = 0.002
30 = 0.003
40 = 0.004
50 = 0.005
100 = 0.01
500 = 0.05
1000 = 0.1
5000 = 0.5

The hectare (abbreviation: ha, plural form: hectares, British spelling: hectare) is a unit of area used in the International System of Units (metric system, SI). One hectare (ha) = 10 000 square meters (m2) = 0.01 square kilometers = 0.00386102159 square mile = 107 639.104 square feet = 2.47105381 acres = 11 959.9005 square yards = 15 500 031 square inches.
