0.04 Pounds/Cubic Inch to Grams/Cubic Centimeter

Convert 0.04 Pounds/Cubic Inch to Grams/Cubic Centimeter (lbs/in3 to g/cm3) with our conversion calculator and conversion tables. To convert 0.04 lbs/in3 to g/cm3 use direct conversion formula below.
0.04 lbs/in3 = 1.08 g/cm3.
You also can convert 0.04 Pounds/Cubic Inch to other Density (popular) units.




Direct conversion formula: 1 Pounds/Cubic Inch / 27 = 1 Grams/Cubic Centimeter

Opposite conversion: 0.04 Grams/Cubic Centimeter to Pounds/Cubic Inch

Check out conversion of 0.04 lbs/in3 to most popular density units:

0.04 lbs/in3 to Pounds/Gallon
0.04 lbs/in3 to Kilograms/Liter
0.04 lbs/in3 to Kilograms/Cubic Meter
0.04 lbs/in3 to Ounces/Gallon
0.04 lbs/in3 to Pounds/Cubic Foot

Conversion table: Pounds/Cubic Inch to Grams/Cubic Centimeter

POUNDS/CUBIC INCH   GRAMS/CUBIC CENTIMETER 1 = 27 2 = 54 3 = 81 4 = 108 5 = 135 7 = 189 8 = 216 9 = 243 10 = 270
GRAMS/CUBIC CENTIMETER   POUNDS/CUBIC INCH 1 = 0.037037037037037 2 = 0.074074074074074 3 = 0.11111111111111 4 = 0.14814814814815 5 = 0.18518518518519 7 = 0.25925925925926 8 = 0.2962962962963 9 = 0.33333333333333 10 = 0.37037037037037

Nearest numbers for 0.04 Pounds/Cubic Inch

POUNDS/CUBIC INCH   GRAMS/CUBIC CENTIMETER 0.05 lbs/in3 = 1.35 g/cm3 0.06 lbs/in3 = 1.62 g/cm3 0.16 lbs/in3 = 4.32 g/cm3 0.24 lbs/in3 = 6.48 g/cm3 0.28 lbs/in3 = 7.56 g/cm3 0.289 lbs/in3 = 7.803 g/cm3 0.29 lbs/in3 = 7.83 g/cm3 0.5 lbs/in3 = 13.5 g/cm3 1 lbs/in3 = 27 g/cm3 1.28 lbs/in3 = 34.56 g/cm3 1.4 lbs/in3 = 37.8 g/cm3 1.7 lbs/in3 = 45.9 g/cm3 1.776 lbs/in3 = 47.952 g/cm3 1.78 lbs/in3 = 48.06 g/cm3 1.8 lbs/in3 = 48.6 g/cm3 1.9 lbs/in3 = 51.3 g/cm3 2.2 lbs/in3 = 59.4 g/cm3 2.28 lbs/in3 = 61.56 g/cm3 2.32 lbs/in3 = 62.64 g/cm3 2.87 lbs/in3 = 77.49 g/cm3
